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Don't miss the drum circle, a favorite Asheville tradition for both locals and visitors. Anyone can participate by drumming, dancing or watching. Stop by the Asheville Drum Circle every Friday night (April-October, and warmer nights other months) in Pritchard Park in downtown on Patton Avenue at College Street. Join folks of every age and description. Watch people dance to the thunderous rhythm of the dozens of drums. Or better yet, join in by playing or dancing! See the individuality and diversity of Asheville.
This is a free event. The drummers begin showing up around 6 PM (sometimes as early as 5 PM) and the crowd builds until it ends at 10 PM. Don't miss this... It will make you feel good all over! The drum circle has been active since 2001.
For another authentic yet very different Asheville longtime music event, go to the Shindig on the Green.